Business in the Community Ireland
Heat Merchants is a member of Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI), the national network for sustainability, which has convened over 90 of Ireland’s leading companies to work collaboratively to address social, environmental and economic priorities.

"Corporate Social Responsibility is at the core of Heat Merchants Group business and we are committed to continuously improving in the area of CSR. We strive to be an asset to the communities where we live and work and embedding responsible and sustainable business practice within Heat Merchants Group culture is a fundamental foundation to how we do our business. Our membership allows us to access a wealth of expertise and support"
- Heat Merchants Group
Education - Skills @ Work Programme
Heat Merchants Group has partnered with Roscommon Community College to help prepare students for the working world. Students will take part in the Skills @ Work programme, where volunteer Heat Merchant Group employees work with students on CV writing and interview skills and give them an insight in to the array of jobs and career paths available to students through ‘A Day in the Life” session.
“It is extremely important that students are fully aware of potential job opportunities within their communities, as cities are not always the answer. This programme is beneficial for the local economy and can assure the future staffing needs of our company along with providing skilled workers for other local businesses and prospective businesses.”
Georgina Keena, Principal from Roscommon Community College, speaking about the social partnership programme added: “This programme broadens horizons, helps students view their future in terms of a career as opposed to just a job and to think outside the box as well as looking at traditional areas. It improves student/management/pupil relations, improves their confidence when addressing authority figures, makes students proud of their school and themselves and it encourages them to dwell on their strengths”.
Environmental - Low Carbon Pledge
In 2018 Heat Merchants signed up to The Low Carbon Pledge – the first dedicated public commitment generated by Irish business to lead on the transition to a low carbon economy and reduce Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions intensity by 50% by 2030.
We have committed to making sustainability a central priority to help Ireland transition to a low carbon economy and achieve its international commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement.
We have committed to
- Record all Scope 1 and Scope 2 Carbon Emissions
- Reduce the amount of Scope 1 and Scope 2 Carbon Emissions Intensity
- Report (1) Individually through an Annual Report or Website or other publically available equivalent source and (2) Collectively through an Annual BITCI Low Carbon Report
- Review year-on-year Scope 1 and Scope 2 Carbon Emissions with the aim of showing continuous improvement
Find out more about the Low Carbon Pledge on the BITC website. We are proud to be part of this collective movement playing a role in restarting the economy in a purpose driven and fair way.
Find out more about our Environmental Sustainability